Saturday, April 25, 2009

APAE - Action Potential Arts Experiment

Rocket Performance: A Centering Ritual

Main objective: To draw an Archimedean Spiral using a model rocket
Directed by: Jeremiah D. Reeves

*This piece was the first of my collaborative efforts under Action Potential Arts Experiment (APAE). Please Check out the blog

Performance Piece - 30 Day Chart: Self as Subject

30 DAY CHART: Self as Subject

11:43am Additional Note: It is important to note that subject’s view of self is conflicting et confused. Subject’s worries over the last 48 hrs consist of, but not limited to: financial, self-image, family et friends, isolation, work, son, artwork et future. Subject continually listens to the same sad song over et over et feels he is “a coyote c no moon.” Subject refers to himself et presence as being: “invisible, silent, a non·marking so(u)le.” Subject’s hair is dry et un·kempt [sic] looking. Subjects [sic] hands are so dry they crack et bleed. Subject “only feels loved et accepted” by his son. Subject feels “isolated” et “detatched: [sic] like he can’t relate; out of place” in surroundings et “needs another world.” ------------------------J Reeves self